Welcome to 'My' Internet Diary; you can find something interesting here

Sometimes, I tend to write here on my own trips and experiences while walking around the internet, I'll give it a shot


2024/08/25 | Hysteria, Announcement

it was brought to my attention that the 19th viewer of this website, prior to its development into what it is now, crowned against the table; does this usually happen?

was supposed to be ONLINE but this news is intriguing a bit. go have a bite now

2024/08/20 | Internet, Communication

went to this club this night; had a lot of fun

there's something interesting to me about a maid serving me soda while iiiiiiiilook happiy

wheneveri yoiu'reii boreiid, weii shoiuild all piartyi theriieii, the musicii isiiifuin

2024/08/15 | Safety, Snacks

do you ever wonder sometimes, if there's a place within the internet, where you can find true solace?

it's been on my mind for some time now, but basically, I believe, within some street, there's an area where all the frustration, anxieties, and resentment we all hold online are gone?

i'd like to imagine it looks like a bountiful garden filled with all sorts of flowers, trees, and colorful roads - like a park unchanged from any form of virtual industrialization and devastation

it probably doesn't (as of what I know), but it will be beautiful see such a place

anyways, new snacks today; they're good

2024/08/10 | Return, Snacks

it is nice to meet you, it's been a very busy week so far, i couldn't see anything today, but i am back

i went to get some snacks today; it was prevailing, i didn't mind