there are many definitions that originate from netizens across the globe as to what the internet is; some stem from personal experiences, some stem from former groups, and some stem from certain eras from when the internet was still developing

while those perspectives are valid in their own reasonings, i think i'll also take my time to discuss what the internet is to me (and possibly other netizens, as well)

the internet is a massive city in which many people around the world convene and connect through each other in every corner of the net; whether through personal connections or interests, or even becoming someone entirely different, many move to the internet as another way to have a second life

like any city, the internet has many roads in which they all connect back to, one way or another; there's a lot of traffic, consequently

however, there is also tons and tons of crime as well, some parts of the internet have been unkept or abandoned, which makes it pretty easy for some to create undesired spaces. these spaces show a virtual psyche of hatred, egotism, and isolation from individual(s)

regardless of what the net might be to some, i hope you understand where i'm coming from when i say the internet